Through its grants programme, the Saanich Peninsula Community Foundation supports programmes and activities that benefit the residents of the Saanich Peninsula, in health and social services; arts and culture; education; conservation; and recreation.

Grants are made only to organizations that are registered as charities with Canada Revenue Agency or British Columbia Not-for-Profit Organization and have been in operation for at least one year.

All applications are considered on merit and in light of funds available for distribution.

In general, grants are not allocated to the same organization more than three times in five years.


The Saanich Peninsula encompasses three municipalities, Central Saanich, North Saanich and Sidney.

Grants from the Foundation’s Community Fund are awarded on an annual basis in the Spring of each year.  The value of the grants typically range between $1,000 – $5,000 per organization.

Organizations seeking funds must demonstrate a strong and committed volunteer Board of Directors, fiscal responsibility, and effective management of resources.

Grants are awarded for definite purposes and for projects covering a specific period of time.

Preference is given to organizations that promote volunteer participation, and which do not duplicate services provided by other organizations.

The following are not normally eligible for grants:

  • annual fund drives
  • building campaigns, however, small identifiable components of capital projects may be considered
  • deficit reduction
  • direct religious activities
  • institution’s statutory programmes
  • political activities

Grant Application Procedure

The Board of Directors of the Foundation invites representatives of organizations to discuss their projects with them before submitting a grant application. Applications for consideration must be received by February 28 of each calendar year.

If the organization’s project fits the guidelines, a completed and signed application form should be submitted either:

  • electronically (to the email address on the form)
  • as a paper copy (to the mailing address on the form) NOTE: 2 additional copies are required if you are not submitting an electronic version.

An on-site visit by the Foundation’s Grants Committee members may be arranged. Alternatively, a representative of the applicant may arrange to make a presentation to the Grants Committee.

Recommendations for grants are presented to the Board of Directors of the Foundation for approval. Organizations will be advised by letter of the Board’s decision. The letter will outline the terms and conditions, and expected evaluation of the grant.

Before you can apply online for a community grant, you will need to have an account on our website. Please use the button below to apply for your account. We will review your account application, and notify you by email when it has been approved. Keep the email with your approval status, as it includes the link that you will use to log into your account and access the application form.

Successful recipient organizations are required to follow up with an evaluation form within 6 months of receiving grant funds.

If our organization received a grant from SPCF in the past, may we apply again?

Yes, you may receive grants more than once, though not more than three times within five years.

Our organization is not located on the Saanich Peninsula. May we apply for a grant?

Yes, an organization can be located or based elsewhere, in Greater Victoria or across BC. However, for any organization to be considered for a grant, you must clearly demonstrate how Saanich Peninsula residents will benefit from a specific initiative or project.

Our organization is a registered society, but not registered as a charity with Canada Revenue Agency. May we apply for a grant?

No, only organizations registered as charities with CRA may apply, and have been in operation at least one year.

When will we find out if our application is successful?

All applications are reviewed carefully, and recommendations for grants pass through three separate approval steps. We aim to complete the process by end of April, at which time all applicants are notified of the outcome, whether or not their application has been approved, and the amount of the grant.

Have you received a grant from the Saanich Peninsula Community Foundation?

Spread the word by printing a Grant Recognition sign. You can download it in a vertical or horizontal format and print as large as you’d like!

Positive change in your community .

Past Projects
Your contribution will be earmarked by the Foundation and invested in a permanent endowment fund.