Recreation – Saanich Inlet Lifeboat Society, Victoria Therapeutic Riding Association
The Saanich Peninsula is full of vibrant and happy residents, who live rich and fulfilling lives. SPCF acknowledges the importance of safe and accessible leisure activities. Recreation organizations play an important role in assuring we can pursue our hobbies and passions with the backing of our community.
Island life is unique and provides secluded serenity that’s hard to find anywhere else. For many of our neighbours, living here means spending as much time on the water as possible. Boating connects us with the Salish Sea, but comes with a number of inherent risks. The Saanich Inlet Lifeboat Society works to assure local boaters are protected should the worst occur. In 2017 SPCF approved a grant that helped fund their “Kids Don’t Float” campaign – a public awareness initiative to help ensure the safety of young boaters.
Spending time close to animals reduces stress and provides an opportunity to satisfy our nurturing instincts. Volunteers at the Victoria Therapeutic Riding Association bring horseback riding to people with disabilities, so theirs can be equally fulfilling and purposeful lives. In late 2014 and early 2015 the association had a string of bad luck, with one of their horses falling ill, and another getting injured. SPCF helped offset their subsequent vet bills, and both animals were able to recover.
We must always remember to take time for ourselves, be it on the sea or horseback. Our hobbies are a part of who we are and how we connect with our community. If you help to provide amazing recreational opportunities on the Saanich Peninsula, we encourage you to apply for support.